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    • November 03, 2019 9:00 AM | Anita Poole

      About buds: The reproductive (AKA flower) buds are the ones that produce blooms. The vegetative (AKA leaf) buds are usually smaller. 

      • What triggers flower buds to form on camellias? Long days (15 hrs daylight) and warm night temperatures (> 60 degrees). 
      • What triggers buds to bloom? The reverse of above. Temps less than 60 degrees and nights longer than days. There are inhibitory genes that regulate the timing and prevents camellias from producing blooms sooner.  Gibberellic acid (GA3) “inhibits the inhibition” of camellia blooming. There are close to 130 gibberellins, but only four have biologic activity (GA1, GA3, GA4, GA7).

      About ProGibb T&O (turf and ornamental): sold by Valent Biosciences

             - 4% Gibberellic Acid (~ 1 gram per fluid ounce), 95% isopropyl alcohol (toxic & flammable)

             - Recommended for “gibbing” camellias: 2%.  Dilute ProGibb T&O 1:1 with water. However, the undiluted product works great also.

             - Store in “well ventilated cool location”.


             - Select a flower bud with adjacent leaf bud. Twist off the leaf bud and separate it from the cup shaped ring of basal bud scales. 

             - Place a drop Gibb in the “cup”. Consider marking an adjacent leaf. That’s it.


               - Cultivars reported to respond to Gibbing: Arajishi, Christine Lee, Daikagura, Debuntante, Dr. Tinsley, Dr. W.G. Lee, Eugenia Howell, Flowerwood, Herme, High Hat, Lady Vansittart, Margarete Hertrich, Martha Brice, Mathotiana, Mathotiana Supreme, Morning Glow, Mrs. Charles Cobb Var., Mrs. Josephine Hearn, Pink Perfection, Pink Star, Rev. John Drayton, Rosea Superba, Scented Treasure, Tiffany, White Giant, Silver waves, Sweetie Pie. If ypu have good results with other cultivars, let us know and we will update the list.

               - Camellia sasanqua cultivars typically do NOT respond to gibbing.

               - Early and mid-season bloomers tend to respond better to gibbing than late season bloomers. Six weeks is a common interval between gibbing and blooming, although early season bloomers may flower after 30 days. Late season bloomers may bloom in January after October gibbing.

               - Each cultivar has a typical response time to gibbing, with some variability related to the month when gibbed. If you want to produce blooms at specific times (e.g., holidays, occasions, shows), keep records of your individual plants, and their responses.

               - Gibb no more than 20% of reproductive (flower) buds, per year, on small camellia plants. Larger plants are much more tolerant of gibbing. Removing the most distal apical flower and leaf buds on a branch means that there is likely to be no growth or bloom at that site in the next season. 

               - Enhanced growth of the bud can usually be seen at two weeks after gibbing.

               - With a pair or a cluster of flower buds, you typically want to keep and gibb only the one bud that is most likely to have space for the flower to grow without being constrained by adjacent leaves or branches. 

               - You can effectively deliver Gibb to any denuded area of stem near the flower bud, including where other flower buds were or where you might have accidentally removed the entire leaf bud and the basal bud scales. This is especially true if you are using the undiluted ProGibb. 

    • March 01, 2019 1:25 PM | Deleted user

      I have taken the liberty of posting five photos which were taken during the visit which Karen and I made to the show last weekend.  Although I know nothing about camellias I find them to be great subjects for my amateur photographic efforts and your shows have provided wonderful opportunity for me to try to capture their beauty.  I hope that you are pleased with the photos and I would appreciate suggestions for captioning because I was derelict in recording the names of them as I photographed them.  Between the 2019 and 2017 shows I have more than one hundred photos, more of which can be posted if you would like for me to do so.  I must warn you though that, although I do try to keep the colors close to original, I do take artistic liberties when I post-process my photos.

    • October 11, 2018 6:22 PM | Anonymous

      Frankie Huff Winn, Savannah Georgia

      Some of you may be familiar with the camellia variety known as ‘Frankie Winn’ or the variegated version called ‘Frankie Winn Variegated’. Both are excellent Japonica cultivars that well suited for garden plants as well as for exhibition blooms. Many individual camellia varieties like these grow in our gardens, but there is more to these varieties besides beautiful blooms and charming plants. There is a story behind every flower, and this is the story of Frankie Winn.

      Frankie Huff Winn was the oldest of four sisters from Savannah, Georgia. Born in 1913, Frankie was one of those children that excelled in just about everything that she did. She began piano lessons when she was only four years old, and went on to become an accomplished pianist. Her sister – Cilie Sutton remembers Frankie as being one of the most outgoing persons that you would ever meet. When Frankie Winn walked into a room, it was time for the party to begin. She was the kind of person that liked everyone, and everyone adored her as well. Cilie was 12 years younger that Frankie, but remembers how her older sister used to take her along with her when she went out with friends. As Cilie looks back, she noted how unusual it was for Frankie to always make time for her three younger siblings.

      Although quite talented in many areas, Frankie had her sights set on a career as an educator, and not surprisingly, she became an outstanding teacher and principle. After graduating from the University of Georgia with a Master’s Degree in education, Frankie came home to Savannah and began her teaching career at Waters Avenue School, which is known as Romana Riley School today. Cilie remembers having her older sister for her teacher during the 3rd and 4th grade. Frankie took her career seriously, and was most happy when she was in the classroom.

      In 1938, she married Wallace Winn who was also an educator. Wally and Frankie were about as different as day and night, and their marriage exemplified the old adage that opposites attract. Frankie was the outgoing person that loved to go to parties and mingle with friends. On the other hand, Wally was quite contented to stay at home and work on his various projects. Frankie used to say that she lived in a ‘sawdust house’ because Wally was always building something. It was at their home in Savannah, that Wally developed an interest in camellias that soon became an obsession. Frankie used to let Wally grow the camellias, and she would take care of displaying them. Cilie says that her sister would always have a camellia bloom pinned on her wherever she went. Frankie always loved to take camellia blossoms to school for her students and fellow teachers to enjoy.

      Cilie remembers her sister as someone that enjoyed life. She liked to travel, loved to cook, and enjoyed playing the piano for First Baptist Church every Sunday. She was an excellent seamstress, and was always involved with putting on plays at school. The one thing that Frankie Winn was really passionate about was teaching. She retired in 1970, but only enjoyed just a few years of retirement before her death in 1973.

      Wallace continued to grow camellias after Frankie’s death. In 1978, Mr. And Mrs. Jimmy Luker of Savannah named a camellia cultivar in honor of Frankie Winn. The Lukers owned Sugar Hill Nursery, and they decided to name one of their seedlings for Frankie. A few years later, Bill Sutton who was Frankie’s brother in law, developed a variegated version of ‘Frankie Winn’. This variegated form was registered in 2000, and is pictured on the inside cover of this digest. Later in his life, Wally came up with another idea to honor his late wife. He was always involved with collecting various things from coins to empty Jim Beam bottles. One of his most priced collections was that of Boehm Porcelain. At some point, Wally decided to have the Boehm Company make a porcelain replica of the ‘Frankie Winn’ camellia. There were many roadblocks to making this dream a reality, but with much perseverance, Wally eventually accomplished his goal. A few years later, Boehm also manufactured some of the porcelain ‘Frankie Winn Variegated’ camellias. This was Wally’s way of immortalizing his beloved wife. Before his death, Wallace donated most of his unique Boehm Porcelain collection to the American Camellia Society.

      A Very Special Lady Named Frankie Winn

      Every flower has a story, and it is a story that makes the flower even more special. Frankie Winn was a special lady that is remembered by some and appreciated by even those that never knew her. She will always be known by the flower that bears her name. The next time that you see a flower of ‘Frankie Winn’ or ‘Frankie Winn Variegated’, think of the enthusiastic school teacher from Savannah that loved life and was loved by all that knew he

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